Assistance to families Andalucía Coronavirus.
Due to the pandemic we face, many families need aids from the Andalusian community, as well as many people have lost their jobs and they have no other resources.
For this reason, the City Council of Andalusia has taken into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Equality, Social Policy and Mediation and has increased the budget of the Family Economic Aid Program to 15,291,608 euros, 20% more than the previous year. In 2020, before the Andalusian social emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic, they have implemented measures to simplify their management.
Education Aids Andalucía.
These are some of the measures taken by the Ministry of Education and Sports in response to the Coronavirus crisis.
- Provide tools to the educational community to continue the teaching process "online"..
- Guaranteebreakfast, lunch and snacks services to students..
- Hold college entrance exams.
- To be able to carry out VET practices in the workplace.
Rental aids Andalucía.
Another measure that they have been forced to take has been to modify the rental aids plan to adapt it to this situation.
These grants have been approved in Ministerial Decree No. 336/2020 of April 9, which, in accordance with Royal Decree No. 11/2020 of March 31, incorporates, replaces and modifies the 2018-2021 National Housing Plan. From the aids plan in which complementary emergency measures have been taken in the social and economic sphere to face the Coronavirus.
The development and management of these aids is the responsibility of the community of Andalusia.
Andalusia received 17.1 million euros of funds allocated by the State Administration, which were only able to help with the payment of rent for 4,700 families . Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Construction and the Territorial Agency for Spatial Planning decided to provide 13 million euros of complementary financing until reaching 30 million euros to serve more of 8,500 Andalusian families .
Requirements to apply for rental aids inAndalucía.
The applicants must meet certain requirements:
- Being unemployed .
- Self-employed workers who are affected by ERTE or whose income is reduced by 30% .
- They must have a rent of at least 6 months and cannot own the house.
- Your income must be less than your electricity, water, gas and community expenses .
The Andalusian community is working together with the goal that no family is living in extreme poverty and that they are able to emerge after this crisis that is leaving millions of economic and vital losses.
Help Card "purse" coronavirus Andalucía.
This initiative is a rechargeable card for all the vulnerable families located in any province within the autonomous community of Andalusia and who are among the people in ERTE, who have significantly decreased income.
This aid from the Andalusian community ranges from € 150 to € 250 per month for 4 months , and can be extended depending on the family and situation.
Only products may be purchased from a pre-established list that contains personal hygiene, food and cleaning products .