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Coronavirus radar Guadalajara

Find out about the latest news on the use of COVID Radar in Guadalajara .

The Radar Covid app makes it easy to notify contacts with whom you have been close anonymously if a person is ill. The participation of all is decisive to end this disease.

Download Radar COVID in Guadalajara by clicking on the links:

Data evolution in Castilla - La Mancha

Cases in Castilla - La Mancha :

Deaths in Castilla - La Mancha :

Hospitalized in Castilla - La Mancha :

In intensive care in Castilla - La Mancha :

Recovered in Castilla - La Mancha :

Open cases in Castilla - La Mancha :

Fuente : Narrativa John Hopkins University

Aids Guadalajara Coronavirus

Assistance to families Castilla - La Mancha Coronavirus Self-employed worker aids Castilla - La Mancha Coronavirus SME aids Castilla - La Mancha Coronavirus

Noticias Radar COVID Guadalajara