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Coronavirus Trackers Murcia

Find out about the latest news from COVID Trackers at Murcia .

The so-called COVID-19 “trackers” are professionals in charge of searching people who have been in contact with COVID positives in order to control the pandemic and protocols around the disease.

Data evolution in Murcia

Cases in Murcia :

Deaths in Murcia :

Hospitalized in Murcia :

In intensive care in Murcia :

Recovered in Murcia :

Open cases in Murcia :

Fuente : Narrativa John Hopkins University

Aids Murcia Coronavirus

Assistance to families Murcia Coronavirus Self-employed worker aids Murcia Coronavirus SME aids Murcia Coronavirus

COVID19 Murcia tracker news

Brief social presence improves delayed memory for online lecture content

Brief social presence improves delayed memory for online lecture content

Lindsay A. Santacroce, Rachel Appiah, Margot D. Sullivan, Julia Spaniol 2025-02-22 13:30:21

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of videoconferencing platforms became ubiquitous in postsecondary education around the world, making it crucial to understand how to maximize the efficacy of synchronous online classes. Given that social information can a…

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