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Islas Baleares Coronavirus

Local information about Islas Baleares Coronavirus (Covid 19), new sources of information, graphics, what to do, services and connections to keep you informed about developments in Islas Baleares Coronavirus (Covid19).

Data evolution in Baleares

Cases in Baleares :

Deaths in Baleares :

Hospitalized in Baleares :

In intensive care in Baleares :

Recovered in Baleares :

Open cases in Baleares :

Fuente : Narrativa John Hopkins University

Evolution graph in Baleares

Below you will find some graphs with information regarding the cases, hospitalized, in intensive care, recovered, deceased and open cases in Baleares .

Turn the mobile to see the graph correctly

Aids Islas Baleares Coronavirus

Assistance to families Baleares Coronavirus Self-employed worker aids Baleares Coronavirus SME aids Baleares Coronavirus

Some suggestions on where to buy or what to do

- Masks online: Find the Triple Layer Surgical Masks or KN95 PM2.5 Respiratory Masks at the best price.
- Food online: Order food domicile Islas Baleares from Lots of food . To make the purchase online we suggest Amazon Pantry , they deliver without you having to leave home.
- Technology and entrepreneurship: Buy Cryptocurrencies with a 5 euro gift at Bit2me. Build a website easily for your business 15 days free.
- Entertainment: Spending so many days at home is difficult task, however some of these services allow you to watch series, documentaries and movies for the whole family with the free trial of Amazon Prime, you can also read books..
- Training: Online training is one of the best solutions in which you can get a real advantage and invest a lot of your time. Here you have links tested by us.

Local info Islas Baleares Coronavirus